Urinalysis – Biochemistry
Categories: Clinical, Pharmacists, Proficiency Testing, Urinelysis
- Uric Acid (Urate)
- Amylase
- Total Calcium
- Chloride
- Free Cortisol
- Creatinine
- Density by Automation
- Phosphorus
- Glucose
- Magnesium
- Microalbumin
- Microalbumin/Creatinine
- Urea Nitrogen
- Osmolality
- pH by automation
- Potassium
- Total Protein
- Sodium
- Urea
Proficiency Testing
- Lyophilized human urine of 12,0mL.
- Quantitative.
Available programs:
- Urinalysis Biochemistry I (3 items x 4 rounds) – EPUBQI34 | EP115
Click here to consult the accredited tests according to the scope published on www.gov.br/inmetro
Internal Control
- Lyophilized human urine of 12,0mL.
- Up to 2 years of shelf life at <0⁰C.
- Quantitative.
Available programs:
- Urinalysis Biochemistry I 2x2xmonthly (2 levels x 2 items) – CIURBQI22M | CI089
- Urinalysis Biochemistry I 2x2xn (2 levels x 2 items) – CIURBQI22N | CI089
- Urinalysis Biochemistry I 2x1xn (2 levels x 1 item) – CIURBQI21N | CI089
- Urinalysis Biochemistry I 2x5xmonthly (2 levels x 5 items) – CIURBQI25M | CI037
- Urinalysis Biochemistry I 2x5xn (2 levels x 5 items) – CIURBQI25N | CI037
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