CSF – Multiparameter
Líquor Multiparâmetros
Categories: Body Liquids, Clinical, Internal Control, Proficiency Testing
Cerebrospinal Fluid I Assays
- Chlorides
- Glucose
- Total Proteins
Cerebrospinal Fluid II Assays
- Lactic Acid (Lactate)
- Adenosine Deaminase (ADA)
- Albumin (Assay)
- Oligoclonal Bands
- Chlorides
- Creatine
- Phosphokinase (CPK)
- Ferritin
- Glucose
- Immunoglobulin IgA
- Immunoglobulin IgG
- Immunoglobulin IgM
- IgG Index
- Lactate
- Dehydrogenase (LDH)
- Potassium
- Myelin Basic Protein
- Total Proteins
- Albumin Ratio
- Sodium
- Urea
Cerebrospinal Fluid Global Cell Count
- Nucleated Cells
- Erythrocytes
Cellular Identification
- Cytology
- Basophils
- Eosinophils
- Lymphocytes
- Macrophages
- Monocytes
- Neutrophils
- Qualitative
- Observations
- Plasmocytes
Proficiency Testing
- CSF I and II Dosages: Simulated lyophilized CSF of 3,0mL.
- CSF IV Dosages: Synthetic liquid solution of 3.0mL.
- CSF Cell Count: Synthetic liquid solution of 2.0mL.
- Cytology and Cell Identification: Digitized cases of human CSF samples stained by May-Grunwald Giemsa or Panothic.
- Quantitative.
- Qualitative.
Available Programs:
- CSF I Dosages (3 items x 4 rounds) – EPLQI34 | EP021
- CSF II Dosages (3 items x 4 rounds) – EPLQII34 | EP046
- CSF Cell Count in Chamber and Cytology (3 items x 4 rounds) – EPLQCC34 | EP044
- CSF IV Dosages (3 items x 4 rounds) – EPLQIV34 | EP753
Click here to consult the accredited tests according to the scope published on www.gov.br/inmetro
Internal Control
- CSF: Lyophilized material of human origin of 3,0mL.
- CSF IV: Synthetic liquid solution of 3.0 mL.
- Up to 2 years of validity at < 0°C.
- Cytology and Cell Identification: Virtual items with clinical case of slides prepared with CSF.
- Quantitative.
- Qualitative.
Available Programs:
- CSF 2x5xMonthly (2 levels x 5 items) – CILQ25M | CI023
- CSF 2x5xn (2 levels x 5 items) – CILQ25N | CI023
- CSF 2x2xMonthly (2 levels x 2 items) – CILQ22M | CI103
- CSF 2x2xn (2 levels x 2 items) – CILQ22N | CI103
- CSF 2x1xn (2 levels x 1 item) – CILQ21N | CI103
- CSF IV 2x2xMonthly (2 levels x 2 items) – CILQ22M | CI418
- CSF IV 2x2xn (2 levels x 2 items) – CILQ22N | CI418
- CSF IV 2x5xMonthly (2 levels x 5 items) – CILQ25M | CI419
- CSF IV 2x5xn (2 levels x 5 items) – CILQ25N | CI419
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