ABO and Rhesus – RH Systems Search for Extravascular Antibodies – Father (Indirect Coombs)
The tests contemplated: Hematological Profile Tests Hematology Automation I Hematology Automation II Hematology Automation IV Hematology Automation V Red Series RBC Count, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, […]
Neutralizing Antibody Screening: Coronavirus Specific program for automation systems
Periodically checks the accuracy
of the results.
It monitors systems analytical performance
with each routine.
Data that guide the best strategic and
operational decisions.
Authenticated reference strains
It adds more precision and traceability to
the analytical process.
Prevents measurement errors
in analysis.
Partnerships between Controllab and in vitro
diagnostic suppliers to highlight quality.
Educating for promote quality.
Continuous improvement, based on quality and reliability, provides Controllab with the following recognitions:
click on each of the stamps to view the scopes and get more details
According to the scope published on www.gov.br/inmetro
of history
and performance