Laboratories in Brazil and other countries have already confirmed their participation to assess the reliability of the analyzes and the implementation of routines.
The laboratory segment reacted with agility to the recent global outbreak of Monkeypox (MPX), or Simian Smallpox, declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
Several laboratories in Brazil and other countries have already signed up for the first round of the Proficiency Testing (PT) for Monkeypox (MPX). This PT is yet another pioneering initiative by Controllab, a laboratory partner for quality control solutions.
The PT follows the criteria of ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17043 and will be sent on September 12th for routine molecular tests (Polymerase Chain Reaction – PCR). Laboratories that show interest in this link will receive the initial round free of charge.
Considered by health authorities as one of the challenges to control the Monkeypox virus, the rapid and accurate diagnosis also allows for immediate patient isolation.
The laboratories participating in the PT will contribute with fundamental information to demonstrate to the market the performance of the analytical systems already available for the identification of the Monkeypox virus.
By signing up for the Proficiency Testing, these laboratories also demonstrate their commitment to the credibility and quality of their reports.
Laboratory routines need continuous monitoring and a periodic evaluation of this monitoring, as they play a fundamental role in the main processes of detection, evaluation, response, notification and monitoring of public health events.
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